February 24th, March 3rd, March 10th and March 17th, 2025- Led by Avivo’s Mental Health Counsellor, Christie Orr-Brown, this workshop offers an opportunity to manage mental health in the postpartum phase, as well as a chance to connect with other new moms.

Avivo Health Alliance Welcomes New Obstetrician/Gynecologist
On behalf of Dr.’s Baranowski,...
Mental Health Clinic Updates
Avivo Health Alliance is pleased to...
Launch of General Gynecology Clinic at Avivo Health Alliance
Avivo Health Alliance is pleased to welcome, Christie Orr-Brown, RN, MN, CCC, PMH-C to the clinic as our new Mental Health Counsellor.
Launch of Menopause Clinic at Avivo Health Alliance
At Avivo, we strive to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based clinic to help ensure accurate information and physician led support to women during menopause and the perimenopause.
Papapalooza: Cervical Cancer Screening Event
Anyone who has a cervix and is due for their cervical cancer screening and cannot access a pap is encouraged to call our clinic to book a spot at the Avivo Papapalooza on September 29, 2023.
Optimizing your health is one step away.